17 May 2006 


I started an Etsy group at Last FM. Sign up, join the group, and we'll have an Etsy radio station soon!

16 May 2006 

waiter there is a moose in my soup

Slowly getting used to this whole Blogger thing. (What can I say, I'm an LJ girl.) I've added a new template (yay) and I'm starting a few linky lists. If you want to be added to them, drop a comment.


-Any Etsy blog, craft-related site, whatever like that for list #1. (So long as it doesn't suck.)

-Any store, Etsy shop, whatever like that which sells handmade pagan/occulty items for list #2. This DOES NOT MEAN big online stores that have handmade stuff on. This means you made a deck of Tarot cards or your coven knitted an evil blanket or something like that.

I'm starting with a few added to both. Bring on links.

08 May 2006 

updating like...something that updates

INCENSE! My new passion.

Also, I've finally decided to shove it and make what I want to make and target the people I want to target. Namely, occultists. (Well, and hippies.) So yes, I'm planning things like:

-Binding into hardback some hard-to-find stuff: The Goetia, The Black Pullet, etc etc

-Stuff aimed at chaotes: Fill-in-the-blank interchangeable planetary seals (also good for large tic tac toe games), some crazy divination stuff based on systems that aren't really used, etc etc

-Stuff for Discordians. The God-A-Day Calendar project needs to get underway...